Prenatal yoga is currently being taught by Tammy, for more infornation contact Tammy 079 475 7758
Keeping up great health habits while being pregnant will only make your life easier once you baby is born.  Yoga can help you physically and mentally prepare for a child.  Staying physically fit throughout the months that you are pregnant will help you shake off the baby weight (after pregnancy) as well as keeping the muscles tight/toned.
Also, Yoga helps the little one before he/she is even born.  Blood flow increases which helps your baby keep a healthy level of oxygen.  When you are focused, your baby is.  Basically, you are your child until he/she is born.  The exercises you do are the ones that will benefit your child.  Yoga helps to clear out your mind which will keep you from becoming stressed.  Even though your child is not born yet they are still developing the healthy lifestyle that you are making for yourself.
Classes can help you meet other mothers who are getting ready for another addition in their family.  Interacting with other woman who are expecting can be a very therapeutic activity.  You will meet single mothers, young mothers, older mothers, etc.  Seeing the diversity of home and family life will help you grow an open mind about parenting in general.  Listening to stories of struggles and triumph will only help you realize that you are not the only one dealing with this process.
Prepare your body and brain for your child in a relaxing setting that revs up your daily health.  Start Yoga today.  It is never too late no matter what trimester you are on!